The days seem to be passing in a blur of needle stabbing; taking old designs (the simple Siamese cat card, did I really paint that...oh dear...) and tweaking them -
- taking them one step further and creating a pink-pointed Siamese.
Finding that it is one thing to design a sausage dog on paper...
...and another to make it in 3D. The legs went horribly wrong and some major surgery was called for - not a sight for the squeamish!
But with some careful study of what the structure of a Dachshund really looks like, I rescued him. He was named Heinz in honour of the only tinned soup I allow in the house. Because there really isn't anything quite like it. Run for the ball, Heinz!

Sit up and beg!
Dig for that bone boy!
Eloise and Heinz are off to their new homes; Eloise is going far across the Atlantic to America, and Heinz is just popping over the county border. Now I have to think about my first custom order...and finish another goose.
Delighted this week - as always - to receive greetings from Adanaland. The King of Adanaland had seen my link to goblin-artist extraordinaire, Jean-Baptiste Monge, and along with a choice selection of letter-press goodies -

- was this decorative goblin type, are they not delicious?
I have found a company which actually makes tiny wooden wheels and axles. Despite my aspirations, I am not an all-encompassing craft goddess, and I am particularly lousy at any form of woodwork, so making my own was out of the question. But wheels I must have, for ducks, birds, horses and - oh, anything really. Needle felt wheely toys, I cannot wait!